Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mask of Disguise?

Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off we all wore masks…

Why do I think that?
Hmm… Imagine with me if you will.

I bet there are times in life when we ourselves don’t know who we are, or what we want to be or who we are trying to become. How do we face the world or the people around us?

It is not always that we have the good fortune of soulmates or companions who wouldn’t judge us for the things we try to do, hope to do or fail to do.

Whether or not they understand what it is that we are going through, the care & compassion is unconditional.
The support that they extend, the healing touch when we reach out our hand, the gentle voice we long to hear when it is the darkest moment of our lives, never hesitant & unwavering…
Sounds like the perfect description of love, doesn’t it?

I also believe that it would be tiring.
Most probably due to the fact that so much is expected of us at the end of the day, where the only refuge we can seek solace from is our fatigued heart.
And it’s been described that poor souls only have their own to depend upon.

My close acquaintances would testify that one of my most-priced possessions would be my car.
Many would expect that I dedicate at least a few entries into this blog to it.

However, this may be the first to a few.

You see, I realized a week ago that a crack at the paint appeared mysteriously at the side of my skirting.
I didn’t have to think too hard for a solution.

I masked it with some cosmetically made-to-design stickers.
Voila. One flaw covered.

Which brings me to ask:
Is it as easy for us to mask our flaws in life?
Would it be acceptable for us to cover our own character shortcomings?
Wouldn’t that be known as being not true to oneself?

But the questions remain.
Are we strong enough to show what’s beneath the mask, instead of hiding behind the charisma of an alter-ego?
Would Batman still be Batman if he lets Robyn unmask him?

Do we wear them?
Or have we forgotten how to take them off?

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