Monday, June 1, 2009

The Day After The Flu...

“If tomorrow never comes, would she know how much I love her;
Did I try in every way, to show her everyday, she’s my only one;
If my time on Earth were through, she must face this world without me;
Is the love I gave her in the past, gonna be enough to last;
If tomorrow never comes…”

Sometimes I wonder: if our deeds reflect on our innermost emotions; would we wanna handle ourselves differently in order to cover up how we feel about certain things, certain events, or worse still, certain people?

How do we be subtle in the things we do or say, in order not to give too much away?

It’s been said, we are the company we keep.
We be amongst liars, we lie.
We befriend charitable folks, we give.
We group with emotional yuppies, we sulk & ask “Why me?”

So, how are we supposed to treat the people around us besides well enough to let them know that we enjoy their company & hope they enjoyed being with us as well?

I lost a small battle to the F&F (fever & flu) 2 days back.
The doctor did not even consider giving me a jab despite recording a temperature of almost 40 degrees C.
He even refused to take my BP, saying that with such a high fever, it’s bound to go off the charts, so “don’t bother”…

Oh boy.

Many things were flying around in my head…
- What if the fever takes away most of my brain functions? What would I rather give up?
- What if the flu is not as simple a diagnosis as we perceived? Did I get it from one of the jokers who just came back from abroad?
- What if the meds counter-react with my current meds? Will I still wake up to a familiar environment?
- Would I have done & said enough to the people I care about so that they will truly know how I really feel towards them? Have I done enough good to be remembered as I would want to be remembered?

Lucky for me, I survived to blog about it...

Well, I guess if all the things I have said & done are not enough to truly show my true emotions, I believe there won’t be anymore ways to do it.
Some are even placing bets that what I am thinking is such.
Go figure.

I read this statement posted through our Company's Default PC Wallpaper (you see, it's our company's policy that all PC Wallpapers are standardized by IT Dept, so that it could also be used as a means to disseminate information, no matter how ugly or bad-taste it could appear to be...) but this piece really got me when it aired...

"Do not save your loving words for your friends till they are dead;
Do not write them on their tombstones speak them rather now instead"...

What if tomorrow never comes?
How much have you said or done enough to let them know of how you feel?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mangga Busuk...
    I definitely know how you feel...
    The stressfulness that you're going through...

    But anyhow...
    Take things easy...
    Its not easy...I know...
    But not impossible tho...
    So cheers ya!!!

    Try this out!!
    While brushing your whity-teeth...
    Look at the mirror and say...
    "Today is gonna be a brand new day!"
    Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this...HahahaxxXX...
    Cox I'm sure you've tried it before...
    But nvm...
    Use it again!Its useful!!

    Take good care!!!
    God Bless!!!
