Friday, June 26, 2009

Changes in Our Lives...

"Maybe... it is true that we don’t know what we should cherish until we lose it, but it is also true that we don’t know what is missing in our lives until it arrives..."

Things change.
People change.
Emotions change.
Feelings change.

Like it or not, the only thing constant in this world is that: "Change is Inevitable".

How do we handle it when this happens?
Do we search for the reason or simply live with it?
Do we ask "what's wrong?" and come up with justifications on why it shouldn’t?

Would we be so heart-broken by the changes that we lose the hope of even looking at the potential good that comes with the change?
Would we instead be blinded by the reality of things that have changed & fail to realise that the very importance of the change is necessary for us to go on living the way we should live our lives?

While it is almost certain that there are basically no guarantees in life, assurances are what keeps us going back to the same things that matter.

An assurance that the company we work for would pay our salaries on time ensures that we (try) to get to work, on time.
However, there is no guarantee that this company will not be forced to close down due to economic uncertainties...

A feeling of assurance that the landlord would not suddenly change the locks to the house because we have been paying our rent on time makes it a secured feeling that we would still (to certain extend) have a roof over our heads.
But please, there is no guarantee that the landlord will put up a notice of eviction for somebody has offered a higher price to buy the house & we’re left with only 1 month’s time to find a new dwelling...

A deep believe & assurance that the one we love would not reject us in any way makes the faith stronger that the person is the right one.
Of course, in this case, even marriage would not be a guarantee, hence the increase in the population of lawyers who would be glad to handle "D" cases...

However, we should also acknowledge that assurances in life come very sparingly.
Guarantees; almost none...
A lot of people take things for granted, as a result of failure to see this fact.

So maybe it's time for a reality check.
That knowing what may potentially leave us would make us cherish them more.
That if we have taken for granted the things in life, it's about time we paid attention.
That if we have not been telling someone we love them, it's only a matter of 3 words; but of course, the short 3-worded sentence would have to come from the blood-pumping muscle.

And then again, we should always be able to see potential in the facets of other things of our lives.
We may not have planned for a certain event, incident or people to make changes in our comfort zones, rendering us in awe & shock so badly that we would be shaken & not be able to move.

We could never tell when the next move is going to shift us in our seats.

And neither could we tell if the people who walk into our lives would be permanently etched in our hearts.
I can feel mine twitch when the Angel tells me that she wouldn't want anything to change...

And besides the inevitability of change, I truly believe that this fact is almost certain, that we will not cherish anything till we lose them & we won’t know what is missing in our lives which we wouldn’t be able to do without until it comes.

As such, I would just be prepared.
Mentally, physically, psychologically & most importantly; emotionally.

So, are you ready?

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