Monday, July 20, 2009

Mixed Platter of Emotions...

"It may be true that love does not make the world go round, but it sure makes the ride worthwhile..."

And what a heck of a ride it’s been too!

Today would be written in the history of my being as a day of many descriptions of emotions;
Boredom, Anger, Sadness, Gratitude, Trustworthy, Sense of Achievement, Fulfilment & Happiness.

As usual, the day started off as any other Monday of mixed feelings, that you finally get to be "reconnected" after the weekend – albeit a shorter one this time around – but still, 24 hours is still a long time to be restrained from such a powerful factor in your life.
But it’s still a Monday, and the sluggishness of the weekend has yet to wear off.

Then comes the "lobotomy session" where animals which are brain-dead in the first place go to get their brains "washed & stormed" for a cause, futile nonetheless, but still the idea that every idea is futile never seems to register in brain-dead animals.
Hence; boredom.

Wash that down with a message received which you should have received 3 days ago about some things you would wish would not happen, but it did, which actually does not affect you anymore besides being an annoying & irritating fact that it did.
And the person carrying that message felt that it was best kept till today in order for the weekend to be enjoyed to the max, without ever realising that by not knowing what you should have known, you may end up making the wrong decisions or wrong judgment calls which you may regret.
That’s the anger part.

Knowing in advance that today could potentially be one of the most lonesome days of the year due to the fact that you would be left alone after lunch makes it imperative that every minute you get to spend with her be totally undisturbed & uninterrupted.
Sadness creeps in when the orders for lunch arrived.

Somehow, some sense was knocked into your mind that the message-carrier was only bearing the best of your interest at heart by not revealing what she did earlier for the sake of so many parties, you feel bad for that reaction & you agree, that this person has the most genuine concern for everyone.
And you felt that that person deserves a bit of gratitude.

Next, your phone rings.
It’s a number so long; it has to be either a long-distance call or a call from overseas.
You pick it up & find your good buddy, brother-like on the other end calling all the way from Taiwan asking for a favour to lend assistance, eventhough the scene of the matter is almost 80km away from your current location.
And due to the "brotherly-love"; out of all people, he chooses to call you.
You launch into "Search & Rescue" mode, doing all you can, but in the same time feeling very helpless.
Then you were reminded by the Angel that you could call your own (biological) brother, who is close enough to the scene & is in his most professional capacity to do something for help.
He does it, doesn’t leave room to disappoint you,
And for once in your life, you feel that sense of pride which does not happen very often.
Trustworthy, runs in the family.

Due to a pertinent date of event, something has to be purchased.
You get to the shop which trades in that particular group of items sourced.
The selections are many, but not all catches your attention.
And the one which deserves mention could be bundled with things that are usually not available in other shops, which makes it a good deal.
You close the deal, with everything promised in the bag, nothing less.
Sense of achievement, you bet.

You walk to the bank to secure that deal once & for all as it involves a lump-sum cash payment.
All this so that the one who matters most would be able to do what she needs & would be happy to do.
And since she’s happy to be able to do it, a strong sensation of fulfilment rages through your heart.

What a day so far, huh?

Oh, and yeah.
Happiness is when you realise that the very gift she reluctantly received earlier during the weekend is so beautiful in its intended place.

Say "Cheese"?

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