Friday, July 17, 2009

Eggs, Chilies, Coffee & Black Pepper Sauce...

"Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.

Remember also, that the quality of your life is the quality of your relationships..."

Anthony Robbins
American Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Expert / Consultant

I remember reading this line somewhere:
In a relationship, the things we do or say are not half as important as to be who we really are.
Our inner core character must not be suppressed; otherwise it would hinder the very basic necessity in a relationship - Effective Interdependence

So, what exactly is a relationship?

When 2 people get together & feel that it's one of the most comfortable experiences they have had & the enjoyment of each other's company on an almost daily basis?
The funny feeling that something is missing when these 2 people don’t get to see each other even for a day?
The ability to tell what the other is thinking even without an attempt at exchanging words?

Could it be testified through the time when we are reminded of that someone whenever we come across certain things, places, songs, smells or events?

That sometimes the only goal & objective we strive to achieve everyday is to minimise their irritability, bring up their moods & somehow ensure that they enjoy their day?

Or just knowing what the other prefers; a sunny side up with a cooked yoke, or a simple request for cut small chillies in soy sauce to the usual palate for iced coffee and the almost-definite extra order of black pepper sauce; even before they tell you that's what they would want?

It's Friday.
And usually my alter-ego would emerge.
But this weekend is different.
It's a DCT...
Chances are, I may will enjoy this weekend as well.

I hope you do too.

I leave you at the turn of this week with this very fine line:
"It is the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, bit it is the little differences that make them interesting..."
Todd Ruthman

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