Friday, July 10, 2009

Hopes, Wishes & Expectations...

"Maybe... you should hope for enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy..."

: something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future

: to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might

"H.O.P.E.", my favourite 4-lettered word.
It is hope that keeps me going, the fuel that ignites my passion towards the dream I am striving to achieve & the very fire that keeps me alive.

For without hope, I feel I may as well be dead.

Hope should not be mistaken for wishes or expectations.
They are different, and they apply to different things or aspects in our lives.

I was acquainted with a way of thought not too long ago, that there are 3 levels of hopes, wishes & expectations.

Allow me to illustrate as such;

That in our lives, there are:
- things which we’d need to have;
- things which we’d want to have; and
- things which would be good to have.

Usually, things we need are the basic that we can expect when we make a choice.
When that choice is made, we would want it to be of a certain criteria.
And above all else, if there is an unexpected benefit that comes with the package, it’ll be good to have.

Ponder on this statement:
"It’s Friday again, and I sure 'hope' that this weekend would be a different kind of weekend. Will that be too much to ask for?"

Get it?

Difficult to digest?

Well, try.

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