Thursday, May 21, 2009

Me: the Mood-swinging Rotty...

"A Setback is a Set-up for a Comeback"...


I heard this phrase some time back.
Been thinking, all this while, I am a good practitioner of its essence.

These few days, with so many things happening & all the emotions that have been going to & fro, I was proven wrong.

For a self-proclaimed egolomaniac, I found that I really did not have such a thick face.
Not for the ability to handle rejections, make good emotional judgements and certainly not accepting what I would consider, a defeat.

But the Angel was quick to assure me, it was not a defeat.
It was a matter of circumstances...
The judgement she passed was not going to be not an easy one for her as well.

Ah well...

In the course of all this turmoil, endless hours of soul-searching & heart-wrenching conversations, many people got hurt.

I can only hope that nobody got badly scarred.
Especially those I care for the most.

I would describe myself to be articulate.
I have also been described as a person with exceptional communication skills.
But alas, the Great Communicator has failed to communicate the most basic of needs;
The Need for Love.

There hasn't been many ocassions which I would be caught withot a line to rescue myself out of a situation, but during this ordeal, I was amazed at how speechless I could become or how it would feel to actually stammer & stutter!

But it is all behind us now.
We look forward to today & the rest of our days to come with our chins up & our heads held high.

For today, we begin another chapter.

A new chapter that epitomises the character of strength, willpower & integrity.
Needless to say, it is the epitome of love.

It also reflects that eventhough we do not realise it, even dreams do come true, just probably not in the fashion we want it to be.

The setback has given us a platform to propel ourselves to even higher & more satisfying levels of understanding.

Most importantly, how difficult would it be to be in a living hell when you have your Angel by your side?

The moods that swing up & down have finally touched ground.
There should be no regrets, for love means you do not have to say you're sorry.

So, how's your mood today?

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