Friday, May 29, 2009

Fatigue of the Intelligent Kind...

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)

How true.
For to know more than you should comes with a cost.

Whether we like it or not, all heads turn our direction when we are considered the knowledgeable.
Whether we enjoy it, the tasks don’t seem to go away if we don’t inspire it to move.
And whether or not we seem to care, people always feel that the ball is in our court.

Does this always mean that the intelligent will have to find the way out for the others all the time?
Would it be justifiable to say that this group of elite should be the masters of others’ fate?
And it is so difficult to allow us the space we need to do what we want to do, when we want to do it with the people that matter to us most?

The challenge is that the key factor here is dependency.
The intelligent ones are usually the ones that are depended upon to make intelligent & intellectual decisions, whether or not it is necessary to make them.
The others simply could not comprehend beyond their level of intelligence to learn that all things do not necessarily revolve around what can be done & their inability to get things done.
As such, the easy way out for these people is to just simply to rely on those who know because by default, “They will do a good job, easier life for all of us…”

Penat, tau?

If there are questions in life we hope to find the answers to, it’ll be these:

Where does this leave us, the kind that is considered intelligent?
What’s our refuge from the ever-dependent people we bump into everyday?
How do we find the outlet to escape from all these responsibility, whether or not we choose to receive them?

Some say “the smarts” is a curse…
What say you?

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