Friday, May 22, 2009

Let Go, Start Living...

"Sometimes you must let go of the life you've planned in order to make room for the life ahead of you"...

Got that from a book I was browsing at the MPH of BTS today.

Makes me wonder, whether the things we hang on to really is all that worth it.

Some people call it the bane of memories, some would take it as the merit of knowing how to plan.

While some would take it as it comes, some could never live to see it coming.

No matter what, we were all meant to choose to do something.
Even choosing not to is a choice.

So, defines what others would know as ambition.
And to many people who don't achieve theirs, they would rather hang on till they breathe their last...

We are often so caught up in the things which we look forward to, that we expect, that we have planned to happen. How often is it that we learn to relieve ourselves from all these & reflect;
"Is this what I really want?"

For one thing that I've learned, is that in order to be who or what I am supposed to, I'd need to do some forgetting;
- Forget the past achievements otherwise I'd be so stuck with feeling good about myself bringing about complacency,
- Forget about what is expected of me in the beginning, otherwise I'd be fashioned towards what others would like me to be, not what I'd like myself to be,
- Forget about the things which would bring me down, lighten up & move on to greater heights...

I seriously feel that it is all beginning to make sense.
Of course, there are certainly things that we should hold on to.

But what do you think?
Wouldn't it be a happier world if we all learned how to let go & start living?


  1. So say the wise Buddha - the cause of suffering is craving. We normally crave for pleasures in life and we often get too attached to it - be it something material or something intangible like love. When we lose something that we are attached to, we suffer (sad, depress). So you are right - the key to end suffering is sometimes to just let go...

  2. Hey Mangga Busuk...
    I certainly agree with the question you asked...
    Maybe its easier said than done...
    But that's the one thing that we all need to learn...
    Leaving the past behind and start anew...

    You know what???
    YOur post reminds me of something...
    I should not keep thinking how great am I in the past...
    How great am I in Catholic Students' Society...XD
    If I continue to be this way...
    There will be no room for improvement...
