Thursday, October 15, 2009

Life Well Spent...

"What's the use of having everything we want, when we can't even take care of the important things we need?"

There are some people whom we hope to have the opportunity to meet; but when we meet them, we doubt if they’re really the right person.
Most probably, it’s best not to have met them at all...

There are some things which we hope to have the opportunity to achieve; but when that time comes, we would have lost interest to do it altogether & forget why we even bothered to think about getting it done in the first place...

There could also be some words which we may have kept in our hearts, eagerly waiting for the right time to be spoken, hoping that someone would understand it when we say them; but when the timing seemed perfect; we find that the cat has stolen our tongue...

There is also the love which waits for a chance to be expressed in thoughts, words & deeds; but when loves overflows its brim, the word "love" itself has lost its very meaning...

Then, there are people who get the opportunity to be with each other very frequently; however, they never seem to find the means for a fulfilling communication.
Finally, there just seem to be no reason to be with each other anymore.

There are also things which we may have every opportunity to achieve & make a difference; but we choose to procrastinate & think that all these can wait.
When we finally feel that we’re up to it & would want to get them done, that opportunity may have been taken away & we could only wallow in self-pity thinking why we couldn’t have done all those earlier.

Of course, there are also words that we have all the opportunity to say; but due to our egos or we expect others to accept our nature for such things, we would rather put them off for another time & day, or choose not to say them.
But when we finally want to say them, the person to say these to may no longer be around to hear them.

And the painful truth of the matter is that there are many occasions when love was so bountiful to be enjoyed & experienced; but we never really appreciated this fact & never really did cherish anything.
And when we finally are ready to accept this love, it could very well be already too late.

Life is such, fragility at every corner.
We can never know what happens tomorrow.
Or if there will ever be a tomorrow.

For before we know it, we would have wasted our lives on things which did not matter at all in the first place, and having forsaken what it is that could have made us happier.
Or worse, ignoring the happiness & the opportunity to truly make a difference in other’s lives by simply just, loving them.

We may go around in circles while being caught up in our everyday worries, physically & emotionally fatigued, while all the while focusing on the wrong people, items or events.
And we end up asking, why certain things didn’t work out when it is us who couldn’t recognise it when it’s at work.

Suddenly, you realise that relationships are as fragile as life itself.

Having braced through the storm may not necessarily help to improve certain relationship, for it would mean a disaster anyhow if both party did not work together to stay afloat.
It’s the folding of the sail together at the end of the storm which may make the difference.

Would we be able to let go of certain grudges or bad episodes to truly cherish one another?
For, wasn’t it fate that has brought us together?

We should always count our blessings.
Instead of being separated, even if we live across each other’s dwellings, we may not have bumped into each other.
We may have continued on in our daily lives, doing what we think is important, saying what we want to say, meeting whom we would want to meet, throwing our love away to people who may not even matter to begin with.

Really, that when we finally realise that you & I are truly made for each other, when we are in each other’s arms in that long-awaited embrace, the warmth of it will only make us burst out in laughter of joy & happiness.
We could also very well be kicking ourselves as to why it took such a long time to realise what is already very evident.
And then, when we look back, we would have already spent almost half of our lives searching for what has already been in front of us all these while.

So, cherish all that you have today.
For each & every person around you are there for a reason.
Things are done or left undone, said or left unsaid are all for a bigger cause.

So that you & I could find ourselves in each other’s embrace for many, many more lifetimes to come.

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