Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ring, ring... Hello?!?!

"If it is true that you’re happy for someone about something, be genuine about it. For their true happiness may very well depend on yours..."

Let me illustrate.

If somebody matters so much to you that their state-of-mind is a concern of yours, watch your own.
Because, the slightest emotion you may have or how feel towards something may influence that person’s emotions as well...

From a line of Barry Manilow’s classic:
"I feel glad, when you’re glad;
Feel sad when you’re sad..."

Makes sense?

Simple, time & again we hear that to maintain that somebody is happy, we must be happy with their decisions, be happy for them, and so on so forth.
Easier said than done most of the time; because it actually hurt us to see the other person’s happiness especially if it does not involve us.
But we learn to let go.

However, time & again, we are not spared from the instances when we overlook this simple truth.
That we ignore the very fact that a basic reaction we have towards an incident would bring so much discomfort to that somebody.

Even as the masters of the top of the food chain, acknowledged as being the most intelligent & intellectual of all of God’s creation, we human seek a few things from that someone that we would not usually seek elsewhere; attention, affection, care, concern, loyalty, truthfulness, respect, honour, the list can go on & on & on…

But all these would not be possible if the one single most important element is missing: recognition.

It’s been said that this is the thing that men die for & babies cry for...

Simple things, such as calling them by their affectionate nicknames would change the mood in so many ways.
I am sure by now you would have heard couples calling each other "baby", "honey", "sweetheart", "darling", etc...
(Feel a little mushy, don't you?)

Ever wondered why it's important?
Because everybody else would call them by their actual names.
It is that special someone who would address them as affectionately as you would by their nicknames, if you are up for it.

Of course, this step requires discretion; otherwise it will create a high-resonance sting in the ear if misused too often.

Then we figure: "What is the significance of the wedding ring?"
It’s been called many names; the love-band, the love-bond, etc, when it simply means to address the tying of the knot...

Some ladies wear one to ward off unwanted attention, especially when they’re on a night out on a prowl.
Most men would not wear theirs, hoping that the hot chick across the table would notice that they are still "S&A".

I have heard cases where arguments take place because either party has misplaced the ring.
There were even rumours that couples get all psyched up because of this issue of losing it, thinking it actually reveals how much they regard the marriage in the first place.

But it should only be seen as a form of recognition.
When the wearer feels that the love is gone, then, where is the bond?
Why should there still be a band?
What knot are we still talking about?

They say time heals all wounds.
Time is also a good way to prove a lot of things.
Time will also show the truth in many issues.

Get a good watch to look out for it.

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